About Rebuilding Dreams

Rebuilding Dreams Foundation partners with organizations on the ground in Lebanon to provide services and financial assistance for those impacted the most by the Beirut explosion. We provide financial assistance for the rebuilding of a hospital, support food and toy drives during the holidays, organize and fund distributions of financial assistance in select Lebanese cities, and more. Our work is never limited in one direction – we strive to help the Lebanese people in need regardless of the request. Our work is done with great help by our partner organizations, who ensure our efforts reach those who need it the absolute most.

a large amount of rubble from the Beirut explosion
Beirut rubble

Beirut Explosion

The Beirut explosion in 2020 was a tragedy that struck the heart of the Lebanese people. On August 4th, a massive explosion rocked the capital city, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. The event has been described as one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history, and its effects are still being felt by the people of Beirut and the surrounding areas.

The explosion, caused by the ignition of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse, claimed the lives of at least 220 innocent people, injuring thousands more and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. The blast wave devastated buildings and infrastructure, and for many, homes and belongings were reduced to rubble in an instant. The aftermath of the explosion was made even more difficult by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis in the country, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation.

The Beirut explosion will forever be remembered as a devastating moment in the history of Lebanon, a time when the country faced incredible loss and hardship. However, amidst the tragedy, the resilience and determination of the Lebanese people shone through, as they came together to support one another and begin the long process of rebuilding their lives and their city.